AstrologiaLua Cheia (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 66 ano(s) 11 mes(es) 2 dia(s) 08/02 Pesquise 08 de Fevereiro/1958Pesquise o ano 1958 Nascimento Ecologia Brasil Nascimento Marina Silva (política e ambientalista brasileira) Signo de Aquário |
AstrologiaLua Cheia (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 44 ano(s) 5 mes(es) 12 dia(s) 29/07 Pesquise 29 de Julho/1980Pesquise o ano 1980 Homenagem Brasil Marina Dulce Morais Silva recebe a Ordem do Mérito Militar |
00/01/1983Pesquise o ano 1983 Assume cargo Militar Brasil Coronel Marinaldo Salles da Silva assume o comando do CFAP - MA |
00/04/1996Pesquise o ano 1996 Homenagem Ecologia Estados Unidos Marina Silva (Brasil) recebe o Goldman Environmental Prize |
00/00/2003Pesquise o ano 2003 Assume cargo Política Brasil Marina Silva assume a presidência do CONAMA |
AstrologiaLua Cheia (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 20 ano(s) 9 mes(es) 2 dia(s) 08/04 Pesquise 08 de Abril/2004Pesquise o ano 2004 Homenagem Brasil Maria Osmarina Marina da Silva Vaz de Lima recebe a Ordem do Mérito Militar |
AstrologiaLua Crescente (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 20 ano(s) 8 mes(es) 12 dia(s) 29/04 Pesquise 29 de Abril/2004Pesquise o ano 2004 Ecologia Brasil Ministra Marina Silva fala sobre recursos hídricos na ONU |
AstrologiaLua Cheia (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 20 ano(s) 7 mes(es) 7 dia(s) 03/06 Pesquise 03 de Junho/2004Pesquise o ano 2004 Discurso Ecologia Brasil Discurso da ministra Marina Silva, durante cerimônia pela Semana Nacional do Meio Ambiente |
AstrologiaLua Minguante (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 19 ano(s) 6 mes(es) 6 dia(s) 04/07 Pesquise 04 de Julho/2005Pesquise o ano 2005 Brasil Ministra Marina Silva (Meio Ambiente) empossa Grupo de Trabalho Interministerial |
AstrologiaLua Minguante (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 17 ano(s) 6 mes(es) 10/07 Pesquise 10 de Julho/2007Pesquise o ano 2007 Brasil A ministra do Meio Ambiente, Marina Silva, defende a criação do Instituto Chico Mendes |
AstrologiaLua Nova (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 16 ano(s) 8 mes(es) 1 dia(s) 09/05 Pesquise 09 de Maio/2008Pesquise o ano 2008 Críticas e broncas Política Brasil Ministra Marina Silva (Meio Ambiente) critica a absolvição de Vitalmiro Moura + 59 eventos de Dorothy Stang | "É lamentável. O Brasil fica estarrecido com a decisão." |
AstrologiaLua Crescente (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 16 ano(s) 7 mes(es) 28 dia(s) 13/05 Pesquise 13 de Maio/2008Pesquise o ano 2008 Demissão Política Brasil A ministra Marina Silva (Meio Ambiente) pede demissão |
AstrologiaLua Crescente (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 16 ano(s) 7 mes(es) 27 dia(s) 14/05 Pesquise 14 de Maio/2008Pesquise o ano 2008 Política Brasil Carta aos servidores - ministra Marina Silva | "Carta aos servidores do Ministério do Meio Ambiente, Ibama, Instituto Chico Mendes, Agência Nacional de Águas, Serviço Florestal Brasileiro e Jardim Botânico
Prezados servidores,
Acabo de entregar ao Presidente Lula carta na qual comunico minha decisão de deixar a honrosa função de ministra do Meio Ambiente e meu retorno ao Senado Federal. Estou fechando um ciclo no qual enfrentamos muitas dificuldades, mas, colhemos resultados gratificantes nesses cinco anos e meio em que estamos juntos.
Quero agradecer a colaboração de todos e afirmar que nada do que alcançamos seria feito sem a participação, o entusiasmo, as críticas, a competência de cada um de vocês. E não foi pouco: entre outras conquistas, a criação de quase 24 milhões de hectares de áreas de conservação federais, a definição de áreas prioritárias para conservação da biodiversidade em todos os nossos biomas, a estruturação do Plano Nacional de Mudanças Climáticas, a aprovação do Plano Nacional de Recursos Hídricos, do novo Programa Nacional de Florestas, do Plano Nacional de Combate à Desertificação. Também conseguimos aprovação da Lei de Gestão de Florestas Públicas, da criação da área sob limitação administrativa provisória, da Política Nacional de Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais, entre outros marcos regulatórios importantes.
Com erros, acertos e muito aprendizado, acredito que conseguimos nos guiar pelas quatro diretrizes traçadas quando aqui chegamos: a busca do desenvolvimento sustentável, do controle e participação social, do fortalecimento do SISNAMA e da política ambiental integrada pela prática da transversalidade.
Embora nunca tenha conseguido lhes dar a atenção que pretendia, dada a intensidade da agenda de que são testemunha, procurei fazer o possível para valorizar os servidores por meio de aumento salarial, enquadramento na carreira funcional, informatização e reforma das instalações físicas, realização de concursos públicos e reorganização das equipes de licenciamento. A reestruturação do Ministério, feita com o objetivo de aproximar mais o organograma das necessidades de nossas ações e programas, levou à criação da Secretaria de Articulação Institucional e Cidadania Ambiental, da Secretaria de Mudanças Climáticas, do Instituto Chico Mendes e do Serviço Florestal Brasileiro.
Assim como nossa gestão incorporou avanços de gestões anteriores, estou certa de que nosso trabalho terá continuidade sobretudo pela ação de vocês, servidores, os agentes verdadeiramente capazes de internalizar a política ambiental que melhor sirva ao nosso País.
Continuaremos em contato, agora que voltarei ao Congresso Nacional, na busca da sustentabilidade política fundamental para consolidação da agenda de desenvolvimento sustentável.
Um grande abraço,
Marina Silva"
Ministério do Meio Ambiente |
AstrologiaLua Crescente (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 16 ano(s) 7 mes(es) 26 dia(s) 15/05 Pesquise 15 de Maio/2008Pesquise o ano 2008 Jornalismo Inglaterra O jornal britânico The Independent comenta a saída da ministra Marina Silva | "The resignation of Marina Silva as the Environment minister of Brazil is a blow to the very future of the planet. Five years ago, she was appointed guardian of the Amazon but, in that time, she has fought an uphill battle against the loggers and ranchers of Brazilian agribusiness. Indeed, she often seem a lone voice in the Brazilian government – outvoted on the introduction of genetically-modified grains, on the construction of a new nuclear power plant and on massive infrastructure projects, including two big hydro-electric dams and a major new road in the rainforest. She has finally quit, worn down by ill-health and the appointment of a rival minister to speed the approval of energy projects.
It is easy for rich nations to condemn an emerging economy which succumbs to commercial pressures and abandons the environment. But this is not one country's problem. Climate change is the greatest market failure the world has seen; those who pollute are generally not the ones who pay. The Amazon is a precious resource for the whole world, and one for which we must all take responsibility.
Tropical rainforests are the lungs of the planet. They generate most of the world's rainfall and form a precious cooling band around the Equator which acts as the Earth's thermostat. Photosynthesis makes them a massive absorber of carbon, regulating the global climate. Cutting down these forests causes two problems. It removes that carbon sink. And, since trees are mostly cleared by burning, it sends vast amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Almost 25 per cent of the world's total emissions now come from deforestation – far outstripping the 14 per cent produced by planes, cars and factories. Yesterday's deforestation alone released as much carbon dioxide into the air as would eight million people flying from New York to London.
The Stern report, commissioned by the British government, saw curbing deforestation as the single biggest thing we can do to arrest global warming. It is also the cheapest – 30 times cheaper than reducing emissions from fossil fuels – and no new technology is needed. Just the political will and about $80bn, a relatively small bill if it is paid by the whole world. Stern identified what that should be spent on: clarifying forest property rights, strengthening law enforcement and paying from public funds to counter the lure of cash from vested interests. Brazil will not pay. Why should it pay for something that benefits everyone? Working out a viable international agreement is the challenge for the next Kyoto. But one thing is clear. This part of Brazil is too important to leave to the Brazilians. If we lose the forests, we lose the fight against climate change."
The Independent |
AstrologiaLua Nova (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 16 ano(s) 7 mes(es) 7 dia(s) 03/06 Pesquise 03 de Junho/2008Pesquise o ano 2008 Política Brasil A ex-ministra Marina Silva reassume sua cadeira no Senado |
AstrologiaLua Crescente (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 15 ano(s) 5 mes(es) 5 dia(s) 05/08 Pesquise 05 de Agosto/2009Pesquise o ano 2009 Política Brasil A senadora Marina Silva admite possibilidade de trocar PT pelo PV |
AstrologiaLua Minguante (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 15 ano(s) 4 mes(es) 22 dia(s) 19/08 Pesquise 19 de Agosto/2009Pesquise o ano 2009 Política Brasil A senadora e ex-ministra do Meio Ambiente, Marina Silva, anuncia seu desligamento do PT |
AstrologiaLua Crescente (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 15 ano(s) 4 mes(es) 12 dia(s) 29/08 Pesquise 29 de Agosto/2009Pesquise o ano 2009 Jornalismo Estados Unidos O jornal New York Times publica matéria sobre a senadora Marina Silva | "A Child of the Amazon Shakes Up a Nation’s Politics
FOR Marina Silva, life began in the heart of the Amazon. From the age of 11, she walked nine miles a day helping her father collect rubber from trees.
These days, as an icon in the environmental movement, she has dedicated her life to protecting that same rainforest.
Illiterate and seriously ill from hepatitis, Ms. Silva left her home when she was 16 and headed by bus to the city of Rio Branco seeking medical care and an education. There she learned how to read and write, graduated from college and became a teacher and a politician.
She worked closely with her friend Chico Mendes, the rubber tapper and environmental activist, before he was gunned down in 1988 by ranchers opposed to his activism. When Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was elected Brazil’s president in 2002, he picked Ms. Silva to be his environmental minister, and on her watch Brazil devised a national plan to combat deforestation and created an indigenous reserve roughly the size of Texas.
Last week Ms. Silva shook up Brazilian politics by announcing that, after nearly three decades, she was leaving Mr. da Silva’s Workers’ Party to join the Green Party, where she is likely to be its candidate in next year’s presidential election.
Her story — that of a humble woman who overcame extreme poverty and illness to become a force in Brazilian politics — could prove an inspiration to Brazilians in their search for a president to replace the popular Mr. da Silva, himself a product of humble beginnings, political analysts said.
“Marina is a person that earned her own wings, and it is not surprising to discover that those who have wings can fly,” said Jorge Viana, the former governor of Acre, Ms. Silva’s home state.
Her candidacy would pit her against Dilma Rousseff, President da Silva’s chief of staff and his choice to succeed him. Political analysts say the two women have been at odds since 2003 over the country’s economic development policy, including energy projects that Ms. Silva has questioned for environmental reasons.
Ms. Silva has “shaken up the race, mixed up all the cards,” said David Fleischer, a political science professor at the University of Brasília.
If either woman wins, history will be made. Brazil has never had a woman as president. In addition, the country has never had a black president; Ms. Silva is black.
Ms. Silva resigned as environmental minister last year, after expressing concerns that the government might give in to pressure from business interests to ease off emergency measures she put in place to counteract a jump in Amazon deforestation. She returned to the national Senate, where she continued to press her environmental agenda.
IN an interview here, Ms. Silva, 51, said she grew frustrated with the internal struggle to persuade members of the Workers’ Party to pursue a more sustainable economic development strategy.
“With the opportunity to try to construct this new future for Brazil and for the planet, I prefer to put my hopes in this movement,” she said of her switch to the Green Party.
While many admire her, some political analysts say they believe that Ms. Silva’s past serious health problems could become a political liability in a presidential contest. Hepatitis, malaria and heavy metals contamination have caused her to be hospitalized for long stretches.
Concerns about Ms. Rousseff’s chemotherapy treatment for a melanoma have dogged her in recent months and led some supporters of Mr. da Silva to urge him to back a different candidate for his successor. Brazilians still remember the case of Tancredo Neves, a popular president-elect who became severely ill in 1985 and died before taking office.
Still, Ms. Silva has spent a lifetime proving doubters wrong.
BORN in Seringal Bagaço, a small community of rubber tappers in Acre, Ms. Silva was one of 11 children, three of whom died. The family’s nearest neighbor lived about an hour away on foot through the thick forest. Reaching Rio Branco, about 43 miles away, sometimes took a week during the rainy season, when the family car would get stuck in the muddy road, she said.
Disease was common in the Amazon, and it took its toll on her family. Her mother died when Ms. Silva was 11. Two younger sisters later died with measles and malaria.
At 11, she began working with her father as a rubber tapper. They would typically leave the house at 5 a.m. and return about 12 hours later. To increase the family’s productivity, her father would go to one area of the forest and she and her sisters to another.
To keep her from being robbed or tricked by rubber buyers, her father taught her simple mathematics at an early age, she said.
After Ms. Silva became ill with hepatitis, she resolved to head to Rio Branco to find treatment. She wanted to become a nun and study.
She enrolled in a course for illiterate adults, worked as a maid and soon finished primary school. During vacation breaks, she returned to her father’s home and helped him collect rubber.
She dropped her idea of becoming a nun and entered college, graduating at 26 with a history degree.
While at the university, she joined the Revolutionary Communist Party, a clandestine group working to oppose Brazil’s military dictatorship.
During that period, she met Mr. Mendes, a rubber tapper who organized workers to warn about the dangers of burning and clearing the forest and about the displacement of traditional Amazon communities.
Ms. Silva joined Mr. Mendes’s movement, which involved peaceful demonstrations, and it led her into politics. After being elected a town councilwoman in Rio Branco, she went on to become a state legislator and a federal senator.
With her staunch advocacy of the Amazon, Ms. Silva “was clearly the candidate of the Brazilian environmental movement,” said Steve Schwartzman, the director of tropical forest policy at Environmental Defense Fund in Washington and a longtime friend.
“Marina was part of the movement that made the Amazon and deforestation and the possibility of a different development model a national issue in Brazil in a way it had never been before,” he said.
Her advocacy won her acclaim from international environmental groups around the world, which say that clearing of the forest for Brazilian industries could be affecting global climate change. Although deforestation continues, the rate slowed significantly from 2004 to 2007.
But in May 2008 Ms. Silva resigned her position, blaming “stagnation” within the government on its environmental policy. She had become increasingly isolated in Mr. da Silva’s government over her criticism of some proposed hydroelectric dams and of genetically modified crops.
STILL, most of the policies she set in motion have continued, environmentalists said.
She credited Mr. da Silva, whom she considers a “living hero” along with Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama, for Brazil’s progress on protecting the environment. But she said the government must preserve the advances it had made.
“I was fortunate to achieve some things, but they were far short of what Brazil and the world needs us to do,” she said.
Mery Galanternick contributed reporting from Rio de Janeiro."
The New York Times |
AstrologiaLua Cheia (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 15 ano(s) 3 mes(es) 1 dia(s) 09/10 Pesquise 09 de Outubro/2009Pesquise o ano 2009 Política Brasil Ministra Dilma Rousseff diz que Marina Silva não representa o projeto do presidente Lula |
AstrologiaLua Cheia (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 9 mes(es) 5 dia(s) 05/04 Pesquise 05 de Abril/2010Pesquise o ano 2010 Política Brasil Marina Silva diz que, caso eleita, manterá política econômica. |
AstrologiaLua Cheia (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 8 mes(es) 12 dia(s) 29/04 Pesquise 29 de Abril/2010Pesquise o ano 2010 Política Brasil Marina Silva se licencia do Senado para fazer campanha |
AstrologiaLua Nova (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 7 mes(es) 25 dia(s) 16/05 Pesquise 16 de Maio/2010Pesquise o ano 2010 Política Brasil Lançamento da pré-candidatura à Presidência da senadora Marina Silva (PV-AC) |
AstrologiaLua Crescente (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 7 mes(es) 16 dia(s) 25/05 Pesquise 25 de Maio/2010Pesquise o ano 2010 Política Brasil Sabatina com José Serra, Dilma Rousseff e Marina Silva na Confederação Nacional da Indústria |
AstrologiaLua Cheia (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 7 mes(es) 11 dia(s) 30/05 Pesquise 30 de Maio/2010Pesquise o ano 2010 Religião Brasil Marina Silva participa de culto da Assembleia de Deus em Mogi Guaçu (SP) |
AstrologiaLua Cheia (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 7 mes(es) 7 dia(s) 03/06 Pesquise 03 de Junho/2010Pesquise o ano 2010 Política Brasil A pré-candidata do PV à Presidência, Marina Silva, apresenta suas propostas para a área social. |
AstrologiaLua Minguante (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 7 mes(es) 10/06 Pesquise 10 de Junho/2010Pesquise o ano 2010 Discurso Política Brasil Discurso de lançamento da campanha de Marina Silva (PV) à Presidência da República |
AstrologiaLua Minguante (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 6 mes(es) 2 dia(s) 08/07 Pesquise 08 de Julho/2010Pesquise o ano 2010 Brasil Ibama fiscaliza propriedade de Guilherme Leal (vice de Marina Silva) no litoral da Bahia |
AstrologiaLua Nova (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 5 mes(es) 24 dia(s) 17/07 Pesquise 17 de Julho/2010Pesquise o ano 2010 Política Brasil Comício da candidata do PV à Presidência, Marina Silva, em Teresina - PI. |
AstrologiaLua Crescente (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 5 mes(es) 20 dia(s) 21/07 Pesquise 21 de Julho/2010Pesquise o ano 2010 Política Estados Unidos A candidata do PV à Presidência, Marina Silva, se reúne com empresários em New York. |
AstrologiaLua Crescente (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 5 mes(es) 19 dia(s) 22/07 Pesquise 22 de Julho/2010Pesquise o ano 2010 Política Brasil Marina Silva critica ausência de José Serra e Dilma Rousseff em debates eleitorais |
AstrologiaLua Cheia (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 5 mes(es) 11 dia(s) 30/07 Pesquise 30 de Julho/2010Pesquise o ano 2010 Política Brasil Comício de Marina Silva (PV) em Recife - PE |
AstrologiaLua Minguante (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 5 mes(es) 2 dia(s) 08/08 Pesquise 08 de Agosto/2010Pesquise o ano 2010 Literatura Brasil Lançamento da biografia de Marina Silva ('Marina - a vida por uma causa') em Fortaleza |
AstrologiaLua Nova (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 4 mes(es) 26 dia(s) 15/08 Pesquise 15 de Agosto/2010Pesquise o ano 2010 Discurso Política Brasil A candidata do PV à presidência, Marina Silva, discursa em Manaus. |
AstrologiaLua Crescente (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 4 mes(es) 25 dia(s) 16/08 Pesquise 16 de Agosto/2010Pesquise o ano 2010 Política Brasil Marina Silva promete surpreender com seu programa eleitoral |
AstrologiaLua Crescente (Clique para ver +) Tempo decorrido : 14 ano(s) 4 mes(es) 20 dia(s) 21/08 Pesquise 21 de Agosto/2010Pesquise o ano 2010 Política Brasil Marina Silva (PV) lança proposta de criar uma Agência Nacional de Clima |